5 Ways to Create A Gorgous Fall Buffet

The holiday seasons are fast approaching and I have noticed a shift in the air. The atmosphere has almost an electric quality as people are starting to think about their to do lists and getting excited about different ideas.  At Teaselwood Farm we try to infuse our holidays and holiday decorating with the thoughtful approach of simplicity.

 This past week I shared some great tips on Camille Styles on 5 Ways to Create a Gorgeous Fall Buffet  . The tips I offermake entertainingeasy and simple to dofor your own holidays.


Also found on Camille Styles is our delicious Teaselwood Apple Pie .


Many of the item featured: pie plate, cutting board, bowl, plates , rolling pin and glass can be found in our shop. Unfortunately you will not find Lily she is our sweet girl who likes to be part of the party.

Do you have any tips to share on creating fun and simple holiday tables?

Mark your calendar we will be at the Syracuse Business Bash next Monday the 23rd. This is a great way to support your local business's. You can find us also at  the Lakeside Artistry Holiday Fair  on Saturday  28th at the First Presbyterian Church in Skaneateles, NY.



All Photos by Alice G Patterson Photography